Saturday, March 24, 2007

Locked Tennis Courts!!

Let's get more active, find out why we have locked gates, which do not open from the inside, and
are a hazard for young kids, how will they get out? Why not have knobs on the inside? and...why lock them at all?

Then... how about pool hours? Was there a plan to close the pools? We need to start asking questions of our board, which meets the 2cd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm.

We can help fundraise, promote our parks, and swim in our pools when it's warm!! No more restricted days... we could only go 3 days a week, when the pool was open, last year.

We also have a listserv:

Click here to join MeadowGreen_KruegerPark
Click to join MeadowGreen_KruegerPark

So, let's get the word out! and... start a neighborhood group, literally right here in MeadowGreen!!

Thanks to Ron J. for the listserv!!!


403 Woodcombe